Lets face it, most graduation invitations are not cool, they say nothing about your personality and they're expensive. Heck they're using the same graduation invitations they sold when I graduated 100 yrs ago. That's why Hampshire Photography is now offering the coolest invitations on the planet. See examples, Prices and Details below.

How it Works: Pick out your five favorite pics from your Senior Shoot. We'll design a totally unique personal invitation for you. Better still add any text you want, and preview the invitations before your order. Have an invitation that reflects who your are.
And best of all our invitations are literally hundreds of dollars cheaper than those boring invitations.
What it costs:You get 50 invitations with envelopes for only $150 or 100 invitations for only $250. Order by February 15th and get 10 invitations completely free when you order 50 and 25 invitations completely free when you order 100.
Save money on Postage with Digital E-vitations: Think mailing invitations is so outdated. Want to save money on postage. Ask about our E-vitations. With E-vitations we send you a digital file of your custom designed invitations. Then you can send them to your friends and family thru email, Facebook or texting. Your E-vitation design and digital delivery is only $80. With a purchase of 100 invitations get your E-vitations free!!!
What if you haven't had your Senior pictures made yet? No problem. For only $120 we'll shoot your session and give you a free E-vitations. You can also buy regular invitations to send via mail.
Call now 931-285-0257 or email us at jon@hampshirephotographyweb.com.
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